Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend with the cousins

The first fire at the new house!! Jamie and his mama. The little cousins showing off.....

We took the boys to Funtastics to get them out of the house. They had been playing "war" with the new Airsoft guns we had got for them for the two days prior... We have all the land out by the horse stables, so there is plenty of hiding and wide open places... they had a blast doing both.. funtastics was packed full of put put golf , race cars and laser tag, little boy heaven!

Something is definently very wrong with my child!! Teenagers are so strange!!

1 comment:

Claire said...

Looks like an awesome Thanksgiving - and look at you, hot shot hostess - I am totally impressed.

love, ~cb

ps - Austin looks like a model in almost every picture I see of him - his poses, his smiles - and all his different hair!